

Grey Horror


Grey Horror

SKU: EMC3501 Category: Tag:

Stock # EMC3501

The Grey Horror: The name says it all! This big ‘old nasty is found pretty much anywhere, from Caves to ruins to the desert to just about anywhere you care to think of. Watch out because he is HUGE and NASTY! Easily the size of 15 grown men you had best be careful when dealing with it!

This is a very large 25-32 mm miniature that is in a decent scale to replicate the vastness of this creature. Perfect for your game that uses miniatures.

This miniature is supplied as a RAW metal casting in multiple pieces and is sold as an unpainted model that requires a little amount of assembly. Epoxy is recommended for the assembly but super glue will suffice.

Painted picture is for reference only.

Crafted by: William Watt

Reference painting by: William Watt